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Brave Noise Collab Advocates For Safe Spaces In The Beer Industry

When Brienne Allan, Brewer at Notch Brewing in Salem, Massachusetts, posted an Instagram story in late May asking “Have you ever experienced sexism in the beer industry?”, she started a long-overdue reckoning in the beer world. Traditionally underrepresented groups began calling out bad behavior across the industry, and breweries were forced to start looking inward at how they perpetuate and practice discrimination in the beer industry.

Now, Allan is looking to continue that positive momentum, while honoring those who bravely shared their experiences – with a new beer collab. In order to further awareness about discrimination in the industry, she is inviting breweries to participate in a new collab, the “Brave Noise” Pale Ale.

By signing on, breweries are pledging to publicly post their code of conduct and provide resources for staff and customers who experience discrimination, with the goal of making breweries safe spaces for these underrepresented groups. And, perhaps most importantly, participating breweries also pledge to commit to the long-term work of making the beer industry more inclusive for women, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ individuals.

“The Brave Noise collaboration is meant to provide awareness and create action for safe and inclusive environments in the beer industry,” Allan says. “I hope breweries join us in advocating for change and develop[ing] resources to best support industry professionals and customers for a better (beer) world.”

In addition to the above pledges, breweries will make a donation to a relevant charitable or non-profit organization that best supports the mission of the collaboration.

We’ll update this story with participating local SoCal breweries, so you know where to grab the beer once the pale ale starts dropping. For now, check out the collab’s website – – for more information.


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