Welcome to episode two of Ranked, our new podcast where we put together our top 10 rankings for every aspect of the Los Angeles beer scene. With over 300 breweries, beer bars, and craft beer stores in Los Angeles, we felt it’s time for us to give you guys some insight into where our personal preferences lie.
In this one, we dive into the best hazy IPA breweries in Los Angeles, walking you through the spots that we personally think are killing it at hazy’s in terms of quantity AND, more importantly, quality.
Here’s our quick list, but listen in to the podcast below (or search Hopped LA on your podcast player of choice) to get the nitty gritty details on WHY we ranked the way we did.
1. Monkish Brewing
2. Mumford Brewing
3. Highland Park Brewery
4. Modern Times Dankness Dojo
5. Homage Brewing
6. Brouwerij West
7. Arrow Lodge Brewing
8. Indie Brewing
9. State Brewing
10. LA Ale Works
By no means is this a comprehensive list. There are plenty of other places worth visiting and talking about. So we want to hear from you. What is YOUR top 10 list for hazy IPA breweries in Los Angeles?