Love seeing such a solid unique debut beer from upstart LA brewery, Amarok Brewing!
Belgian IPA is a 7.5% Belgian-style IPA from Amarok Brewing, who currently contract brews out of Tortugo Brewing in Inglewood, CA.
This beer pours a nice bright orange with hints of amber and a fluffy off-white head. Classic Belgian yeast aromas blast you with cloves, lemon peel, banana, and florals with minimal hop aromas presence.
Those classic Belgian aromas carry through on the palate with really nice florals, bright lemon peel, very restrained spicey phenols, on a medium body.
While I can’t say I’m a Belgian beer fanatic at this point, this beer serves as a great reminder of what is possible with Belgian yeast and American hops and opened my eyes to a fantastic young brewery that I can’t wait to see what they do next!